
E3 2008: Live From New York!

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

Time to delve into…

E3 Day Three

- Continuing where I left off… yet another game I was able to check out first hand at that Sega event a while back (but had to keep my mouth shut about) was Sonic Unleashed. Didn’t get a chance to put my hands on the controller, but I did watch a demo featuring Sonic running around a villa (the same from all those initial screenshots that pretty much everyone has seen by now) and was absolutely blown away. As a one-time Sonic diehard who, like so many others, has been completely turned off and simply annoyed by the never-ending stream of shitty Sonic titles from the past couple of years (with the exception of the DS Rush games), I finally thought to myself “Holy shit, things are FINALLY back on track!” The primarily side-scrolling action harkened back to the good old days of the Genesis; all of that Mario 64-esque adventuring has never suited the franchise, imho (I didn’t mind it so much in Sonic Adventure 1 since it was just so good to finally get a Sonic game at that point, plus the Dreamcast was brand new, ushering in a new era of new ideas and the like). Unleashed appeared to bring the series back to its roots, and back to basics, with mostly left to right action at SUPER fast speeds, with a few from behind, going towards the screen segments, though mostly as QTEs, which I personally didn’t mind, given that controlling Sonic from that angle has always been a pain in the ass. Anyhow, as a result, I began telling people, mostly those in the same boat as me, “listen, I know this sounds nuts, but this new Sonic title has the potential to finally get it right!” I faced much skepticism, but that was expected… I just told everyone to wait and see for themselves.

Though I already knew at that point that Sonic supposedly turned into a werewolf, but was not given any info, and quickly forgot about it. Well today, we finally got this…

And this. All I can say is… Oh dear God. They managed to fuck a totally sure thing, yet AGAIN. It just blows my mind that ultimately, Sega has zero fucking confidence in the core Sonic gameplay. Good job.

Time to check in and see what NeoGAF has to say about this!

- Another title I actually managed to play around with was Yakuza 2, which was quite the shock at the time (I’m guessing most have heard that it’s actually coming to America). Unfortunately I’m not super familiar with the original, but combat did feel a bit snappier this second time around, with fighting multiple foes at once a lot easier. Also, like everyone else, I totally welcome the original Japanese voice talent.

- Too bad Seaman 2 (which instead of raising some bizarre fish-type thing has the player taking care of a tiny caveman) isn’t coming, according to Sega of America prez, Simon Jeffrey via this Kotaku piece. He also says forget about a Shenmue 3, but honestly… Shenmue sucks, so who cares?

- Sega is also apparently pleased as punched about the success with Super Monkey Ball for the iPhone, and are gonna be delivering a bunch more games for the platform, plus Jeffery was also heard saying that the platform is as powerful as the Dreamcast. Okay, so where’s my Jet Set Radio for the device?

Meanwhile, on a semi-related note, there’s been zero word on the PlayStation Phone that is now actually coming down the pipeline. Also, SCEA CEO Jack Tretton has also gone on record by saying that Sony’s considering releasing a PSP with an onboard hard drive. Given how the new thing is to not only pass along games, but movies to the system via the PS3, plus how the cost of memory keeps dropping, and how everyone still hates UMDs, this seems to be an inevitability.

- Sticking with Sony for just one tiny bit more, check out yet another potentially awesome PSN title, called Fat Princess…

- Yes, Dead Rising is apparently coming to the Wii…

Controls will supposedly be overhauled to take advantage of the system’s motion sensing capabilities, naturally. Oh, and it won’t look as good as the 360 version, of course. But they, at least I’ll be able to read the text!

- Here’s yet another trailer for Street Fighter 4. And it’s kinda funny; in motion, its looking quite nice. I’m especially pleased that it’s beginning to look a bit closer to the original teaser, with all those broad brush strokes (and therefore beginning to look somewhat Okami-ish).

Though in still shots, it still looks questionable. Blanka in particular looks pretty ridiculous…

- Speaking of fighting, can’t say I’m entirely sold on this new Castlevania brawler for the Wii, Castlevania Judgment…

… But at least there’s another traditional title coming out for the DS, Order of Ecclesia. And I don’t want to hear people fucking bitching and moaning about “yet another Metroidvania.” Whatever. If sports fans can get a new Madden every year, why can’t us Castlevania get a new one a regular basis as well? Besides, so long as they’re well made and are fun, keep ‘em coming!

- Nintendo has another press conference earlier today, though mostly to go over stuff that’s already been talked about yesterday. Though one new tidbit was revealed: in addition to a new Mario title and a new Zelda game on the way, there is a brand new Pikmin in development as well!

- Oh, and perhaps the best trailer from the entire show would easily have to be this one for the Duke Nukem Trilogy.

As mentioned yesterday, Microsoft came to town today, to show off basically everything they’ve been presenting in LA for E3. And I was able to spend a good chunk of time this afternoon to see and play what they’ve got in store for the next couple of months!

- First off, got a personal tour of the new dashboard and all that jazz, but I pretty much covered everything on Monday. Though I did learn some new info regarding the Netflix integration. It’s actually very similar to how it already works for those that watch movies on their PCs (which I wouldn’t know since I’m on a Mac); no matter what subscription plan you’re on for solid media, once can watch as many additional movies as they want via streaming. There’s absolutely no limit! Granted, it’s confined to the streaming library, which isn’t nearly as big as the regular stock, but still. Though the best part is the ability to “share” content. I can be watching something at home, and friends on my buddy list and can check it out on their end (provided they also have Netflix), and even chat during the flick or tv show. So basically, create your very own edition of Pop Up Video!
- There were a number of Rare offerings at the event, including the third game in the Banjo Kazooie series. Whereas the first two games for the N64 were basically in the mold of Mario 64, this one emphasizes vehicles. You basically have to complete challenges in assorted rides, either ones provided for the task at hand, or your own.

As you play, you collect parts to deck out your vehicle. There’s a base land, base air, and base water machine, but with the right add-on’s, you can make that boat fly! I was given a glimpse at the rather robust machine editor and was pretty impressed by all the possibilities. When asked how many possible combinations were possible, the answer given was “in the millions”. It?s not as complex or flexible as Sony’s LittleBigPlanet, but it kinda has that same?crazy vibe, where if you sit down and really work at it, one can come up with pretty much anything. Plus you can share your creation with pals, and that’s pretty good.

Also, a little fun fact that I don’t think anyone has mentioned yet thus far: all those new funky avatars? Designed by Rare.

Next was the sequel to Viva Pi?ata. Simply more of the same, so if you liked the first one, then you’ll dig the folloow-up. There’s a vague Pokemon aspect to it; there’s real life cards to collect, which when held up to the Xbox camera, will generate a little dude, though how these cards will be distributed (either all together in packs, or piece-meal, a la Pokemon/YuGiOh packs) as yet to be determined.
- I was at GDC earlier this year, and got to check out first hand Jonathan Blow’s platforming with time magnum opus Braid first hand, but I never got a chance to actually play it (one had to be at the previous year’s to do so, I believe). So that was the first on my list of XBLA titles to give a spin.

Didn’t get a chance to spend all that much time on it… ideally I wish I could have spent a good hour with it, so just the first level had to suffice. Early on, it?s all so easy, making me all the more jazzed for stuff to come (I saw some examples of later down the road levels at the GDC, and they looked crazy awesome). So all I can is that, Braid looks very nice, with an extremely unique art style for this day and age (harkening back to the day and age of those Pysgnosis platformers for the Genesis and Sega CD), and felt nice, at least as much as possible with 360 controller; there’s one point where you learn that higher jumps are possible by multiple hops on enemy’s heads, which was a bit tricky with the very loose d-pad. The most importantly this is that its actually coming out next month! I thought we’d never see the day.
- Next was Castle Crashers, by the folks who did Alien Hominid. Whereas that game was an homage to manic side scrolling, on foot shooters like Contra, here we have the same for side scrolling, hack and slash adventuring, a la Golden Axe.

Again, not too much time spent here, but it again looked nice and felt nice. You choose a dude from a selection of four, each with his own attributes. Then you storm the castle, with either a melee attack of a long-range weapon. As you kill, XP is?accumulated, to strengthen whatever attributes at the end of the level, just like in Guardian Heroes. Weapons are also upgradable too. Enemies come in all shapes and sizes, especially the very big, filling up the screen. And like AH, CC is plenty violent while still be pretty cute! Seems like a winner to me, and another one that’s worth the wait.
- Third up was Geometry Wars 2. Again, not too much to say here… it’s Geometry Wars! The same game as before, but with a little bit more. Enemies are faster and smarter. Oh, there’s also two players action, plus power-ups. As well as a multitude of game options, like endless and timed, though only one was available for me to test out.

- Also got my hands on Galaga Legions, for a good while actually. And all I can say is… it is fucking SICK. My main question before pressing that start button was if it could possibly approach the level of brilliance that is Pac Man Championship Edition. And it does, dear God it does.
What’s different? Well, you can go up and down, and my first reaction was BLASPHEMY! Till I finally got a good grasp of how it all works, which something like this: as noted in previous pieces, or simply the press release everyone has been going by, it’s not so much “bullet hell” but “enemy hell”. You have these super fast and dense swarms of ships flying in, and at all angles. Kinda like in the original, but on steroids. They’re not shooting at you, but simply flying into you. Before a formation swoops in, you can check out their pattern in advance. This helps with the strategizing. You have a few offense tricks up your sleeves. First is the standard shot, with an auto fire option available (and it’s actually quite handy in this instance). On both sides of your ship you have mini turrets that follow along your movement, or you can place them anywhere onscreen via the right analogue stick. That’s where the planning comes into play; if you know where a swarm is going to show up, simply place a gun to greet them. Placing and replacing the turrets’ positions is super simple and hella fun. Also, there’s a way to “suck up” a swarm and then use their formation against others. Just imagine the clones in Ninja Gaiden 2, except they simply repeat their same pattern, over and over again.

The wave of enemy ships is absolutely relentless, and their patterns are an interesting mix of classic Namco and contemporary Cave shump behavior. There are five “stage” with numerous sections, each with many patterns within. I actually did quite good for myself (well, at least better than most reporters before me) and got to mid level three. The game is BEAUTIFUL. Just think the CE aesthetic at work here; the ships are all redesigned, but you can have them look like their classic counterparts. It’s all so lovely. And the sound effects and music are all borrowed from the past, lovingly re-done. I can’t emphasize how amazing the game is.

The MS rep demoing all the XBLA games kept saying that this upcoming August, which is when all the aforementioned arcade titles come out, will be their strongest month ever for the virtual marketplace, and he certainly wasn’t blowing hot air up my ass.
- Onto something completely different… Lips, the karaoke game from iNiS. Despite them being behind Ouendan/Elite Beat Agents for the DS, which I loved to death, I’ve really had zero interest in their first 360 game… up till now. And my assumption that’s it’s basically Rock Band but without the instruments was wrong.

The game comes shipped with two mikes, with the thought being, if there’s just one, no one will want to take the spotlight and embarrass themselves. But with two, it’s a bit more safe and inviting. There were a ton of songs available, including some rather interesting choices, but I was told that all of those were for just internal purposes only, to test the game. I ended up singing Young MC’s Bust?A Move, along with the iNiS dude, and I apparently did well, though I couldn’t tell you what I did to get my supposedly best score of the day. You just sing along with the game, like in regular karaoke, to rack points, though there’s rewards for one’s “performance” by waving the mike around, due to the motion sensors in them. I guess THAT’S the Wiimote “rup-off” that everyone was talking about. Another nice thing about the microphones is how they light up (it’s pretty) and can be used as a tambourine by those why just don’t want to sing, but be part of the fun. Up to four other players can use 360 controllers to hit buttons to initiate other sounds, like claps and audience cheers.
The Bust A Move music video played in the background (“Remember those days?” as the iNiS guy noted, and I do), and I asked if every song would have its dedicated vid featured. That’s the plan, provided there is one. I then enquired if there might be an option to give Kips the real deal feel, with generic footage of couples in love in Hong Kong, the stuff you see at karaoke joints, and he said he’d bring it up to the dev team, since it would really be a good way to solve the problem of a missing video. And nothing?accentuates a powerhouse performance of Black Sabbath’s Mister Crowley more than seeing some young Chinese couple, in love and on the beach, circa 1985. So if it does indeed happen, everyone will know where the idea came from!
- Then there was You’re In The Movies, which is like those Eye Toy games for the PS2, where you’re INSIDE THE TELEVISION(!!!), but a bit crazier and more ambitious. Again, the Xbox camera films you and then you watch yourself interact with in-game elements. One was really neat where you are riding a moped, and must lean left or right to avoid boxes and aim for ramps for high jumps. But everything gets recorded, and your movements can be incorporated into stupid little movies. Often the action one performs doesn’t relate to the scene later on, which only enhances the B-movie feel. Scenes can be edited and spliced together in any manner one can think of, then uploaded for sharing with others. Best part is, whatever you do is uploaded to just yourself… it’s up to the user to do whatever they want with the finished file. Meaning you can do literally everything, without an moderation getting in the way. Basically, one can finally produce true, video game porn. This one, believe it or not, really impressed me with all the comedic possibilities with the right group of friends.

- Fable 2 was also present, yet another title I hadn’t been following the progress of, simply because I wasn’t all into the first one (just wasn’t my thing, though I did enjoy watching my ex play it those couple of times). But after today, I’m all of a sudden interested!

For whatever reason, I never found the original’s gameplay hook, that being depending on what actions you take, good or evil, not only determined how the game progressed but how you physically looked, as well as how the world around your character reacted to him or her, all that enthralling. I mean, sure I guess it’s neat if you’re good, all the townsfolk will talk good about you, and you’re a jerk, they either talked in hushed tones or complain about you, but it just felt a bit less than impressive (sure its neat, just not all that technically amazing). Also, just do good stuff or bad stuff for the desired after-effect, not exactly a challenge. Well Fable 2 mixes things up quite considerably. Not only is there the line between good and evil to consider, but the line between pure and impure. Meaning, you can do shitty things but still be a good soul, ultimately, or being someone that does all the right things, but is ultimately an asshole. Now we’re talking serious shades of gray, what people have been really interested in but have yet to experience, at least via a console RPG.

The enhanced combat was demonstrated, which is less cumbersome this time around, and also allows co-op as well, which was all fine and dandy, but it was the stuff that went down in the town that got my attention. The woman who demoed the game for me, knowing my ties to Nickelodeon Magazine, decided to demo a bit of the increased level of interaction and game logic by having her male character try and impress a female towns-person, who in this case is not exactly from the upper crust. So burping was done to make the girl laugh, with the action itself being somewhat of a mini game. Though because it was done incorrectly on purpose, the male character then began to throw up, which caused the woman to freak out. Though he won her back by farting, which again made her laugh. LOL, British people.

Next, the male character came up to a little girl… it should be noted that every character can be seduced, with a possible relationship forged later down the road, but there are limits… so when he tried hitting on her, she freaked out, and then ran off. She then told her parents, who then told the authorities, and the male character was immediately arrested. So no pedos in Fable 2! Another neat little thing, to emphasize the game’s ability to allow the player to not only customize the game’s world, but also be vain, involved going to the resident artist and ask to be immortalized in a hunk of stone, for a statue. Again, there’s a mini game involved, in which the character must stand still, and once more, the demo person messed up on purpose. The result was a less than flattering statue, which in turn makes the townsfolk take the resident adventure less than seriously. So yeah, Fable 2 just isn’t about fighting monsters and making grand moral choices, its about farting to make girls laugh and acting like the nice guy that everyone has suspicions about.

- Last game I checked out was Fallout 3, but by this point, there was zero time left, so I only got the three-minute tour, and much of it was lost on me since I’m not so familiar with part 2. It looked okay to me, but I know fans of the previous game are all up in arms (and upon hearing why, I can certainly see their point of view). Also meant I had to totally miss out on Gears of War 2…

… Well, E3 is finally winding down, but there’s sure to be some extra things, here and there, to discuss, which I?ll doing so tomorrow, as well as go over once more all the major high (and perhaps low) points with Mike during out podcast! Yes, for the third time, we?re gonna give this thing a shot. I?m also gonna cut this short, since I had far more to write about regarding MS as originally anticipated, so reviews next time yet again. Unless I come up with some other wacky idea for my 600th post!!! Aren’t you all excited. Yeah, I figured.

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