
Twilight Princess For the GameCube… Seriously, What F*ck Is With This Fishing Bullshit?!?!

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

I’ve been playing the Cube version of Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for the past hour, and its seriously the most aggravating, and depressing, video game-playing experience I’ve had in a VERY LONG time. I’ve barely started the god damn game and I’m already stuck. Again, for an hour now I’ve been trying to catch a fish and its just not happening.

For those who don’t know, before you can do anything, you have to catch a fish for some stupid cat which is supposed then allow you to buy some item or whatever so you can finally leave the village and get a sword and actually get on with the damn game. Yeah, its just as retarded and gay as it sounds.

First off, I appreciate the game designers trying to create some mood or some shit by having you perform dumb little tasks before starting off on your grand journey, but come on, this is fucking ridiculous. I bought a goddamn Zelda game to fight bad guys and to explore dungeons, among other things. Not to spend, once more, literally AN ENTIRE HOUR trying to catch a damn fish. It wouldn’t be so bad if fishing was something you did later on in the game, like a side mission or a mini-game, but to force you to do it right from the beginning is just plain insane. Again, when you do dumb little tasks around your homebase before setting off, its to hone skills that will be used later on. So am I to assume that fishing is going to be a major component of the entire game?! But the thing is, I actually like fishing in video games! The heart of the problem is the method itself makes no fucking sense on any level.

You start off by casting your line into the water with a button. Fine. But then once its in the water, you really can’t do anything. In virtually every single fishing game out there, what you do is draw the hook back towards you since the movement is what attracts the fish and entices them to bite. Not in this game. Literally all you do is throw the hook into the water and wait for the fish to just come to it. And trust me, I’ve tried every damn button on the controller to move the line, and none of them do shit. The only other action is to bring the hook back, by hitting back on the C stick.

Though making things much worse, and COMPLETELY nonsensical, is the fact how the hook after its cast will fall below the line of sight, so you have absolutely no idea what the hell is going on. You might see fish sorta swimming around, but there’s no way to tell if its approaching the hook or not. Then again, its not like you can do anything about it.

But the worst part is when you finally get a catch. Because no real instructions were given on how to properly reel your line back in, you’re just stuck there without a clue to do. Again, you’re supposed to hit down on the C stick, but either I’m doing it too fast or too slow because virtually every fish has been lost. Considering it takes like five minutes of just standing there and doing nothing to finally get a bite, this is fucking AGGRAVATING.

Oh, so get this: I finally caught a fish, so what happened? Nothing. According to online resources (the fact that I had to consult one for a Zelda game so early on pisses me off on so many levels), I have to catch a second fish, which is the one that the cat will take for himself (why the fuck doesn’t he just take the first one?). So after what seemed like forever, I managed to get a second fish. Guess what again? NOTHING. Apparently the cat wasn’t there, so the action he was supposed to do couldn’t happen. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This shit is so bad that I am seriously fighting the urge to either chuck my GameCube out the window or just give up on video games in general. I’m gonna give it another shot, and if I can’t get shit to happen in the next thirty minutes, then I’m giving the game to the first person who asks for it.

EDIT: Okay, so after almost another hour of me trying, I finally managed to catch another fucking fish very late last night. And poor MK had to sit and watch me get all pissed off the whole time, as well as assure me that there was no reason to get so angry at a video game, but she also gets super annoyed by such retardedness in video games, so she could at least sympathize.

I realized by myself that if I ever so slightly touched the C stick, I could kinda move the hook around, but there’s zero degree of finesse involved, due in part to the size and shape of the C stick (now I understand why everyone hates it so much), so instead of delicately moving the line around, it’s mostly just awkward, sudden movements. Plus I still couldn’t see what was going on. And there was like a solid twenty minutes where I would get a bite every one or two minutes, but once more, since I had no idea what the best way to reel the fish in, they always got away. The key I would discover was to VERY SLOWLY tug at the line, but whenever I finally got a bite, I would get so excited since something’s actually happening (and I so desperately wanted to get it over with) that I would hit the stick just teeny-weenie bit too much and fuck things up.

But anyway, I got another goddamn fish, which the dumbshit cat grabbed, which meant I could finally buy… a slingshot. But then I didn’t have enough money! Which meant wasting another ten minutes running through the grass looking for loose change or throwing fruit against the wall to see if any rupees are inside. At this point it past four in the morning and I seriously wanted to just shoot myself. Eventually I got enough fucking rupees to buy the fucking slingshot, which again I was supposed to get, but in the end it was just to impress a bunch of kids and do some dumb little target practice game, and it seemed to have nothing to do with getting my sword. What bullshit.

My enthusiasm to play this game has been severely diminished. I know that thing are going to get better (well, it god damn better), but I’m already so annoyed that I kinda don’t care anymore.

  • Jason

    Sounds worse than real-life fishing which is already kinda dull. Maybe they wanted to experiment with the idea that they could get a person to “play” a video game without actually using the controller much.

  • http://www.gamersquarter.com Shapermc

    You know…

    I don’t even know what to say to this. I mean… yeah, you can’t see fish in “real life fishing” only the bobber anyways… but that’s not my real point at all. My point is that this took less than a minute to do once I go the fishing pole in the Wii version. Sounds like they just did a terrible job of implemening it into the GC version.

    Sorry about that. Anyways, I DID TELL YOU WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU ASKED. You just never went back to the TGQ forums to check.

  • http://n/a martial loh

    Meh..? seriously, this took me 5-10 mins to figure out. Once I had the pole, I knew that I’d be catching fish for the cat. Admittedly I had to catch 2 fish, cos the first time the stupid cat wasn’t near me.. But that wasn’t a problem.. Walked around the cat with the fishing rod..it got happy and did it again, it worked..

    I really can’t agree with you on the whole control-retardedness thing…
    “Interestingly”, I’ve found that just yanking back on the c-stick seems to be the best fishing technique for me.

  • http://alonewithaghost.com/ Isfet

    the fishing part took me a little while on the Wii as well (although not as long as you, Matt).

    i think the opening to this game is really bad. as soon as it asked me to go herd sheep, all i could think was “man, i miss just going into a cave, finding a sword and then fighting something.” everything just feels so forced in the very beginning. i dunno Matt, it DOES get better, but i know what you mean.

  • http://www.johngreenart.com John Green

    The fishing sounds almost exactly like the fishing in Animal Crossing to me. You toss the line into the water and just wait until a fish tugs on it. But you can’t reel it back in JUST when the fish tugs on it, you have to wait until the fish gives the kind of tug that signifies it’s attachhed to the hook. Otherwise if you try to reel it back in you just scare the fish off.

  • Krypt

    Sounds like you’re just pretty horrible at it dude. No-one else I know has had any problems.

  • https://www.fort90.com Matt

    Shapermc: Sorry Shaper, I did see your response, but once again, because I couldn’t figure out the controls (I knew how to pull the hook out of the water completely, just not how to lightly draw it up, which I only figured out like an hour later as I mentioned), I simply had a meltdown, pure and simple. Also not helping things is how every single FAQ on the game out there is for the Wii version, so their descriptions of what to do has obviously been zero help.

    I simply have to assume that it just plain works better in that version. Though I’ve heard just as many complaints about the fishing on the Wii as well….

    martial loh: Another thing which really missed me up is that in every recent Zelda game (along with virtually every other adventure game that’s been released in the past couple of years), you are often told what to do, sometimes over and over again. And especially in the case of previous Zelda games, when you flounder, the computer generally picks up on this and offers help. Hence why I felt especially clueless.

    John: Actually… its not the same thing at all. Okay, the mechanics and overall principle are identical, but in the Zelda there’s just more interactivity in regards to controls, hence why its makes sense in Animal Crossing to have more a of sit and wait and slowly react-kind of control methodology.

    Krypt: I don’t know… since asking around (well, more like complaining about it), I’ve discovered that I’m not the only one who’s had problems. At the very least, no one has really enjoyed it (nor the beginning of the game in general).

  • http://www.vitaminsteve.com Steve!

    I had a little trouble on the Wii, but honestly, it wasn’t that bad, and using the Wii controls, it was actually pretty fun.


  • http://www.vitaminsteve.com Steve!

    Also, what is the Japanese obsession with fishing games? I remember howe unfun Sonic Adventure got when I finished everything but the fishing cat. That really sucked.


  • https://www.fort90.com Matt

    Steve!: Yeah, everyone’s been raving about the Wii version’s controls. But as crazy as it sounds, I tried real hard to avoided it so I could save myself for the Cube version, because I simply wanted to experience the game the way it was “meant” to be played, with the “classical” control-scheme (hence why everyone has been calling it the “definitive” version).

    Though I guess its no surprise that at least one aspect was improved upon… which makes part of me wonder if they just kinda gave up on perfecting the fishing portion of the game since they figured they couldn’t do anything better than the Wii’s interpretation of it.

    As for Japan’s obsession with fishing, its pretty healthy compared to robots, young girls, cat ears, and tentacles.

    And again, I actually like fishing video games, and it all began on the Dreamcast as well, with Get Bass/Sega Bass Fishing. Though I never bothered with the fishing/Big the Cat portion of the Sonic Adventure since I heard it sucked really, REALLY badly.

  • http://www.dmauro.com dmauro

    This is my new favorite Fort90 rant. Partly because I didn’t have any problems with catching fish or having enough rupees, but mostly because GET A WII.

  • https://www.fort90.com Matt

    NO U

    Oh, wait a minute…

  • J

    hey matt, is there any way to change what i voted for in the poll on the top right?

    i wanted to vote “paper” but i accidentally voted “plastic”.

    if you know any way to help me fix it, it would be greatly appreciated.


  • https://www.fort90.com Matt


    Actually, make that a LOLLERS.

  • Kaine

    You sound pretty bad at this game so far… It took me 5 minutes to catch 7 fish… plus I’ve already beat the game…

  • jim

    so for those of u who have a Wii, and spent 500 fucking dollars on a game console, camped out in front of walmart for god knows how long to get it, and pride yourself on your ability to fish in a video game…well i would wish u the best of luck in your future endeavors if i wasnt a believer in darwinism.
    And for those of u who, like me, got this gift randomly for xmas, and are looking for a fucking way to get past the fishing part because your family made u stay home all day for xmas and u hav nothing else to do, i would suggest you, like me, put your game in the middle of the street and see how many times it takes for your land rover to completely crush it.
    take care, and have a nice day.
    (unless, of course, you hav a wii/have ever camped out to buy a video game/are extremely offended by anything i just said.)

  • zelda blows cock

    i can get a fish on the line easily with the fuckin cat watching, the problem is reeling the mother fuckin fish in…WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU DO?

  • your an idiot

    wow dude… first the man who wrote this out, its not fucking rocket science. all you do is pull back the c stick till the fish is reeled in, how fucking hard is that… even if you dont know what you’re supposed to do, its not hard to figure out, especialy since you already use the c-stick to control the rod. fucking genius.
    second, if it got you this frustrated, why did you stay up until 4 in the morning trying to do it… that’s just stupid. if you don’t enjoy something, then um don’t do it.
    third, to the guy who commented on camping out for a wii. i didnt have to, and i got mine pretty soon after the launch of it. and it doesnt cost 500, its a mere 250, much better than the expensive ass shit that sony and microsoft makes to rape you for your money.
    no, fishing isnt a big part of the game, but its fun to do and not that hard if you have the intelligence of a 7-year old (and dont call me out on that, my fucking 7-year old cousin figured it out in less than a minute while it took you so many fucking hours to do).
    and all the mundane shit you do at the begining is fucking backstory. this game isnt about killing stuff, its about telling a story, the fighting baddies is just an intermediate step. you need to calm down and get off your period before you make yourself look like an even bigger retarded ape.
    thank you and good day you fucking moron who makes me feel embaresed to be a part of the human race.

  • https://www.fort90.com Matt

    NERD RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • jim

    Twilight princess is possibly the best game ever, and I think you may have not realised its genre. If you had played a zelda game beofre you would know it is part of the game. And by the way its simple catching fish, even on the GC.

  • Josh

    I had the same prob with fishing matt, also the same prob finding a GCN walkthrough but this kinda helped, I guess :p

  • Steph

    lol i had the same problem too and i don’t know if you’ve tried killing the three black monster things as a wolf but in some places like in death mountain they’er a bitch to kill whahah have fun!

  • ninjadude

    Dude, i totally agree, im trying to catch the reekfish and no luck. yes, i am disappointed as well by the sheer difficulty in this game. at times it’s not even worth it.

  • Drake

    Here?s how to fish on the gamecube version:
    Wait til the bobber goes down, pull back and hold till fish in yours, repeat.
    I had the same problem. But I was making it too complicated.

  • brad

    FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FUCK CANT FUCK GET FUCK THIS FUCK FUCKING FUCK FISHING FUCK THING FUCK TO FUCK WORK FFFFFUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • brad


  • Mike

    I’ve progressed v.far in the game, I’m trying to get into the snow mountain area, but alas, more fishing!!!!
    I’m so far in the game and I was hoping I would never have to fish again, bastard fishing programmer at Nintendo!!!!!

    * Shakes fist at screen *

  • Ryan

    Guess what? You have to do it again later in the game. Yup. And it’s harder than the first time. You’re going to hate it.

  • jane

    yeah the fishing took me forever!!! because…
    a.) they dont repeat the directions
    b.) i was pressing every other button to get the fish in

    its not like the animal crossing fishing, its way harder!! i wanted to chuck the controller at the screen

  • Owen

    im having the exact same problem, how the fuck do you do this?
    im tempted to just stop playing the game.

  • Owen

    oh i worked it out , you just have to pull the c stick back very hard when it reaches the bottom

  • wowyouredumb

    Wow. Not only are you absurdly angry, but you have the mouth (or I guess fingers?) of a sailor and you are clearly retarded when it comes to gaming. Maybe you should do yourself a favor and trade this game in for an easier one. I recommend “Bratz: Rock Angelz” for someone with your ability level. Seriously, what a disgrace.

  • Joe

    Why are people having trouble with fishing.
    I have it on gamecube and theres nothing wrong with it.

  • Logan

    Its not that fucking hard you idiot.

  • http://www.myspace.com/mattreidmuzik mrcrud5

    this whole post is amazing! Only 1 of the posts actually explains how to do it

  • blah blah

    Uh, thanks for reminding me how to do it. I gave up on Zelda a year ago and then I come back and after a few temples “oh hey, you have to fish again.” fucking balls.
    ANYWAY. I laughed. Haha.

  • Fuck Zelda

    This is some bullshit! I can’t get the shit to work, and it one of the most retard thing ever put on a game.

  • Wow

    Seriously, fishing is the easiest thing you can do in this game. All you have to do is wait for the fish to bite, and when the green stripe on the bobber is level with the water, you pull back on the c-stick and wait. If you couldn’t figure this out, you’re dumber than a bag of bricks.

  • Sam.

    I had the same problem on the wii. supposedly it’s easier to do on the wii version, but i’m pretty sure that is bullshit. because I’ve just started replaying the game and this dumbass fishing thing has made me dread playing the game at all

  • anonymous

    wow, youre an idiot

  • Alexis

    For the people who are complaining about the legend of Zelda for Gamecube,

    DUDE! Just because you SUCK at cathiching a goddamn fish(which is

  • thanks

    Finally, at the very fucking end of this entire thing, I found the answer. it really is simply, you just have to have someone explain it. lol thanks wow, you’re the one who got me to fish. it really is easy – unless you have no fucking idea how to do it!

  • Jonas

    dude i know exactly what you mean, i’d played it on wii no problems but i picked up the old gamecube for some oldschool gaming (sold my wii) and ended up doing a google search that lead me here to your rant about this game, i seriously spent 4 hours pissing around and when i pulled back on the c-stick as soon as i had the frickin fish was gone and i was stuck trying it again

    this game is amazing, but omfg they failed at the fishing controls

  • http://sosshi.dosshi.se sosshi

    Have anyone tried fishing with the wii control?

  • http://sosshi.dosshi.se sosshi

    Here is how you do.

    throw the shit in the water.

    When fish is intressted (the fishing thing will go underwater) hold C-down until you have catched fish.

    This is not hard at all.

    Takes like 1 min top.

  • http://sosshi.dosshi.se sosshi

    Tho ofc the game should have told the user how to fish ;)

  • Kiaja

    just got this game for the Game Cube, I’m playing it on my Wii but I’m using the Game Cube controller ’cause I hate the Wii controllers. Anyway, I forgot to buy a Game Cube memory card for the Wii (yeah I know, I fail) so everything I turn the game off I have to restart. First time I played, I was able to fish, no problem at all. I’m playing for the second time because I can’t wait for the Memory card to show up, and I have no clue how to fish xD I love Zelda but this is frustrating l0l

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