
A Big Hit At Parties

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

First off, a couple of personal plugs: yesterday a couple of stories I wrote for other places finally went live. You can check out my 24 hour mobile game mosh report over at Gamasutra, and you can find out how I did at Rockstar’s Table Tennis tournament this past weekend over at GameSetWatch.

But I’ll be honest here by saying that I’m not exactly proud of my inaugural piece for GameSetWatch. It’s probably the worst thing I have written that’s managed to get published, at least in my opinion. Though in my defense, since I’ve never written for GSW, I just didn’t know how to approach the subject matter, since the site doesn’t exactly do straightforward preview of games. I know it’s a blog-type site, and even though I do my own, GSW isn’t, so I’m still trying to “find my voice.”

Also, the second Unlucky mini has finally been printed up (thanks to MK, who made them alongside her own comic for this weekend’s upcoming San Fran show)! It’ll be available for purchase at the store once I can figure out how to get PayPal properly configured; I forgot how I did it the first time… maybe that’s because Jason did it for me? Or, once again, if you’re in California, you can always pick up an issue in person at APE, along with Pale Fire, which is MK’s new book.

I had dinner with MK yesterday after work, before she had to meet up with Robin downtown to take the train to JFK. One of the things brought up was a how particular Brooklyn comic chick, who’s work I’m a big fan of, is going to be at the show, and that’s great and all, but she also thinks I’m a huge asshole or something. I’ve never had much luck with women, but when it comes girls from Brooklyn that make comics, they seem to especially hate my guts, and I really have no clue why. A few years back I went out on a date with one particular girl, who shall remain nameless, but nowadays is somewhat of a darling of the indie comic world, and I recall it going very well, but she never gave me the time of day afterwards, which left me seriously confused. That was until I discovered years later through a friend who had heard it on the grape-vine that one of the stories I told her our date, about the time I got e. coli poisoning, seriously disgusted her, enough to make her not want to deal with me ever again (which is really weird, because that story, in which I was vomiting and diarrhea-ing at the same time, enough to loose 30+ pounds in 24 hours, and almost seriously die, is usually a big hit at parties).

But yeah, most women who make comics in my neck of the woods cannot stand me for whatever reasons, along with every other female on this planet, regardless of interest or location, or so it would seem. And as I asked why this might be, or if I am at all that offensive or annoying to MK (I also pointed out to her that by dating me its at a sign that at least one female doesn’t find me uber annoying), a woman who was sitting right behind her and in the process of heading out looked at me and said in absolute seriousness, “Yeah, I find you pretty annoying too.” WTF?!?! Though MK theorized that it might be because she had overheard me talk about how I really want to kill my roommate’s annoying dog. BTW, IT WAS A FUCKING RHETORICAL QUESTION, YOU FUCKING CUNT!!!!

Afterwards I met up with my editor at Gama (and now GSW), Simon, who’s in town on “holiday”, at a bar near Washington Square Park. It was finally nice meeting the guy, with whom I’ve only spoken to online for years now (and who’s been kind enough to hook me up with one writing gig after another). One fun fact about Simon is that he’s the guy that everyone knows, primarily due to his heavy involvement in the chiptunes/mod scene. So I suppose it’s no surprise that everyone else who came out were all chiptunes folks: Jake (virt), Jeremiah (nullsleep), and Josh (Bit Shifter). Plenty of interesting things was discussed, some of if I can’t disclose (you know… industry insider stuff), and the rest is foggy due to the booze. But I do recall talking about how fucking crazy furries are (yeah… I realize that I talk about this almost every day now), the Frag Dolls (and how there totally needs to be a group of all female hardcore shmups players), past and present superstars from the world of chiptunes and the mod scene (there’s just so much I don’t know about and have to listen to), as well as talk about Jeremiah and Josh’s upcoming world tour (especially their Japanese leg, and how there’s going to be a mobile chiptunes unit, along with a BBQ component?), plus all the crazy tools of the trade (such as how someone’s hacked a NES cart to act as a SIM card reader… not surprisingly, all the guys talked lots of shop, and even though I could barely keep up, ever bit of it was ultra fascinating), the awesomeness that was (well, still is really) the Game Boy Camera, and how we all almost went blind back in the day with the Virtual Boy.

Once everyone was nice and drunk, we all went around the corner to Taco Bell to soak up the booze (its apparently a tradition between Jake, Josh, and Jeremiah). I felt a bit odd at first, considering that I had Mexican fast food (Chipotle) with MK earlier in the evening, hence why I mixed and matched from the KFC menu as well (variety is the spice of life after-all). Anyway, and as mentioned before, tomorrow night is the big chiptunes fundraiser show (for more information, just hit the official site), so if you haven’t check music created on Game Boys and NESs yet, THIS IS YOUR CHANCE PEOPLE!!!

  • http://Paypalandstuff Slonie

    Okay first off I would totally go to a chiptune show, if I was around there. When are they hitting the west coast?

    Second of all Paypal’s basic shopping cart/payments setup is almost ridiculously easy, I’m going to use it for my shirt stuff, whenever I get that going. First thing is to make your account a business account and sign up for payments, which you may have already done. Then you just use their button creator (wizard) to generate your payment button code. Copy, paste. Done.

    Oh, and I’d hate it if somebody butted into a conversation like that. Actually, I’ve butted into complete stranger conversations before, but always in a lighthearted or informative way. Not as, say, insulting somebody to their face. What’s with that?

  • Westacular


    That sounds like quite the talented get together. Although I’ve not dealt with him directly practically at all, Simon really seems to read everything and know everyone.

    And, good god, I bet you now make sure to cook your beef quite thoroughly! Or avoid drinking tainted water. Or, well, how did you get the e coli poisoning?

    The woman butting in to insult you is actually pretty funny.

    From the way you talk about it, it sounds as if the indie darling has spread some nasty rumour about you and now all the other comic girls think you’re a pig.

  • fish

    thats very cool the whole chiptune guys thing.
    im very excited about the world tour.
    im trying to have some people here in montreal to book them for this big indie game jam party thing im putting together.
    i havent contacted them YET, im waiting for clearance from the SAT (the venue in question)

    and BTW, that tenis thing really wasnt that bad.

  • https://www.fort90.com Matt

    Slonie: Well it took me forever to find it (about an hour’s worth of searching… seriously, PayPal’s merchant section is pretty confusing), but I’ve been finally been able create a sell button for the second issue (along with another “buy two at a great low price!” option), which you and everyone else can check out here.

    Oh, and you’re sorta in luck, because the International Chiptune Resistance is supposed to plow through LA and San Fran.

    Westacular: How did I get e. coli? I believe I’ve told the story at Insert Credit a few times already, but super long story short: it was from undercooked sausage on a pizza from back home in Washington. I’ll skip the details and simply ask everyone to wait for the comic book adaptation, coming soon!

    But if you want to check out some other stories in the meantime, then check out… eh, its Friday and I’m tired of doing the sales pitch.

    fish: Thanks for the kind words about the GSW piece. I guess it doesn’t suck too much after-all.

  • http://www.jennydevildoll.com Jenny

    Well, for what it’s worth, I’m a Brooklyn comic chick, and I don’t find you annoying.

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